1. leave the shrine and cross the HOMUSBI REGION until a small creature appears - a YOCCHI
2. follow the YOCHI to his village and visit the altar located in it's north-western parts
3. guided by the YOCHI's elder, visit the dungeon next to the altar
4. return to the elder to uncover one of the lost adventure books
5. back at HOMUSBI, continue on your tracks until you reach HOMURA VILLAGE
6. after hearing about the bathhouse, go north until you witness a fight between the bar owner and a small girl
7. visit the local bathhouse and meet the young RUCO
8. return to the village's entrance and talk to VERONICA
9. take VERONICA to the bar
10. head to the west coast of HOMUSBI and cross the UNDERGROUND LABYRINTH
11. return to HOMURA VILLAGE and enter the bar wher RUPAS, the man who was imprisoned in the UNDERGROUND LABYRINTH, shares his knowledge about the
12. go to the checkpoint south of HOMURA VILLAGE. with VERONICA's pass you can get past the guard
the shrine teleports TORTE and KAMYU to a foreign place. when they start exploring the area, a strange creature, a YOCCHI, appears. he recognizes TORTE as the hero and takes the duo to YOCCHI VILLAGE. there they learn that his tribe acts as guardinans of the ADVENTURE BOOK. the elder of the tribe gives TORTE an important task: to restore the chronicles of heroes from other worlds. TORTE promises to return from time to time in order to accomplish this mission.
back on the plains, TORTE and KAMYU discover a small village in the mountains. at the gate, a man tells them about the newly opened bathhouse and wants them to visit it.
they also encounter a young girl named VERONICA who is searching for her “little” sister. when TORTE and KAMYU later meet a girl called RUCO at the bathhouse and hear that she is without her familiy, they conculde that this has to be the lost sister. TORTE and KAMYU take RUCO outside – but unfortunately, VERONICA doesn’t know her.
they all head to the local bar… while they aren’t able to get any information on RUCO’s family, VERONICA’s sister SENYA was seen wandering off towards the west-coast of HOMUSBI.
VERONICA knows of a certain UNDERGROUND LABYRINTH that is located in this area. RUCO stays behind, due to safety-reasons, and the group leaves HOMURA towards the west-coast.
猫 |
ねこ |
cat |
犬 |
いぬ |
dog |
馬 |
うま |
horse |
豚 |
ぶた |
pig |
鳥 |
とり |
bird |
蠍 |
さそり |
scorpion |
蛇 |
へび |
snake |
兎 |
うさぎ |
rabbit |
蟹 |
かに |
crab |
烏賊 |
いか |
squid |
竜 |
りゅう |
dragon |
亀 |
かめ |
turte |
虫 |
むし |
insect |
蝶 |
ちょう |
butterfly |
蜘蛛 |
くも |
spider |
熊 |
くま |
bear |
虎 |
とら |
tiger |
ライオン |
ライオン |
lion |
狸 |
たぬき |
racoon |
狐 |
きつね |
fox |
鷲 |
わし |
hawk |
狼 |
おおかみ |
wolf |
魚 |
さかな |
fish |
鯨 |
くじら |
whale |
鮫 |
さめ |
shark |
牛 |
うし |
cow |
牙 |
きば |
fang |
角 |
つの |
horn |
爪 |
つめ |
claw |
羽 |
はね |
feather |
毛 |
け |
fur |
翼 |
つばさ |
wing |
卵 |
たまご |
egg |
肉 |
にく |
meat |
inside the labyrinth, the party uses the LIFE TREE-roots to progress. eventually, they are able to find SENYA who hardly recognizes her sister. as it turns out, VERONICA had fallen victim to a monster that has absorbed all of her magical power. this left her with the body of a child. the perpetrator can be found in the next room - and with the help of another root, the party is able to get the password necessary to enter it. defeating the dragon does give VERONICA her magical power back - her appearance, however, doesn’t change. also, there is something else: in his last moments, the monster says something about the demon king rising…what could that mean…?
finally, VERONICA and SENYA introduce themselves properly. they are part of a holy tribe by the name of RAMUDA. the people of the tribe dedicate their lives to protecting the hero of the prophecy. so VERONICA and SENYA have actually been on a journey to search for TORTE.
there is one other room inside the labyrinth: some kind of cell with a single prisoner. they free the man, who introduces himself as RUPAS, and learn that he is the father of RUCO - the young girl they left behind in HOMURA.
RUPAS rushes towards HOMURA and the group decides to follow him. the twin girls have a lot to discuss with TORTE - but first they should all get some rest…
the next day, VERONICA and SENYA share their knowledge with TORTE and KAMYU.
there’s an old legend among their people that states the following:
when the WICKED GOD came down from the heavens, a hero emerged. chosen by the TREE OF LIFE he was given the CREST OF LIGHT.
this crest is the symbol on TORTE’s hand. why the tree has called for the hero again, the sisters don’t know. KAMYU proposes to go to the tree. that way, they could find out the truth at the source. but the tree doesn’t just stand there , in the center of the world. it’s floating above ground. and how the previous hero was able to get up there… that knowledge was lost in time.
the group visits RUPAS at the bar in order to talk to him about the matter. by now, KAMYU had remembered who the man was: most famous in DELCADAR’s underworld - he is the INFORMATION BROKER RUPAS. so… what does he know about the sacred tree?
before arriving in HOMURA, RUPAS and his daughter where lost in the southern desert. the people of SAMADHI KINGDOM took them in and got them back on their feet. inside the castle of SAMADHI, RUPAS saw something strange:
a mysterious seven-colored light began to shine and there it was: a branch of the TREE OF LIFE.
now, thanks to RUPAS, the group knows where to go next: SAMADHI KINGDOM, deep inside the desert. VERONICA and SENYA join the two men and the whole group travels south. at the exit of HOMURA, VERONICA teaches TORTE the ZOOM-spell (RUURA). she also gives him a pass that should get them beyond the southern checkpoint. it works, just as VERONICA had promised, and soon after passing the checkpoint, the party enters the scorching desert region of SAMADHI.
男湯 |
おとこゆ |
men's section of public bathroom |
深い |
ふかい |
deep, thick, dense |
情報 |
じょうほう |
news, gossip, information |
乗り |
のり |
ride |
乗る |
のる |
to ride |
枝 |
えだ |
branch, twig |
授ける |
さずける |
to grant, award |
通行点型 |
つうこうてんがた |
pass |
天 |
てん |
heaven |
突き止める |
つきとめる |
to determine, pin down, make sure |
必死 |
ひっし |
inevitable |
飛ぶ |
とぶ |
to jump, fly |
浮かぶ |
うかぶ |
to float, rise to surface |
便利 |
べんり |
convenient, useful |
命拾い |
いのちびろい |
narrow escape from death |
もちろん |
もちろん |
of course |
面白い |
おもしろい |
interesting |
紋章 |
もんしょう |
crest |
厄介 |
やっかい |
burden, dependance |
裏社会 |
うらしゃかい |
underworld (society) |
使者 |
ししゃ |
messenger, envoy |
残り |
のこり |
remains |
降臨 |
こうふぃん |
advent, descent |
見直す |
みなおす |
to look again, get a better opinion of |
結びつく |
むすびつく |
to be related to, to result in, to be joined together |
空想 |
くうそう |
daydream, fantasy, vision |
介抱 |
かいほう |
nursing, looking after |
岸 |
きし |
riverbank, shore, coast |
画 |
え |
picture |
絵 |
え |
picture |
。。。より |
。。。より |
from..., out of... |
吸い取る |
すいとる |
to absorb, suck up, squeeze (money) |
恩人 |
おんじん |
benefactor, patron |
価値 |
かち |
worth, value |
魔力 |
まりょく |
magical power |
法 |
ほう |
law, principle, method |
方 |
ほう |
direction, side (of an argument) |
迷子 |
まいご |
lost child |
炉 |
ろ |
furnace, fireplace |
油断 |
ゆだん |
unpreparedness |
約束 |
やくそく |
promise |
歴史 |
れきし |
history |
返事 |
へんじ |
response, reply, answer |
連中 |
れんちゅう |
colleagues, those guys |